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Courage Is Calling

Ryan Holiday

Personal Thoughts

Summary Notes

Courage is a Virtue

Virtue translates to something simple and timeless: 





It was comprised of four key components:





  • Marcus Aurelius called them “touchstones of goodness”.
  • Virtues are interrelated and inseparable, yet each distinct from the other. 
  • Aristotle described virtue as a craft. It is something to pursue
  • Virtue is something we do and choose. 

What is Courage?

  • Courage is a risk. It is sacrifice. A commitment, perseverance, truth, and determination
  • Courage calls each of us differently, at different times, and in different forms.

What hampers Courage?

  • Fears
  • Difficulties
  • When you’re not focused.
  • When you are questioned or judged by others.
  • Intimidation
  • When you have fear of deciding.

Being Yourself if Scary Too

  • By definition, each of us is original. Our DNA has never existed before on this planet. No one has ever had our unique set of experiences. Yet what do we do with this heritage? We push it away. We choose not to be ourselves. We choose to go along, to not raise any eyebrows.
  • Out of fear, we conform. Out of fear, we don’t do what’s right. We mute ourselves. We don’t even want other people to be themselves, because it makes us uncomfortable.
  • Out of fear, we conform. Out of fear, we don’t do what’s right. We mute ourselves. We don’t even want other people to be themselves, because it makes us uncomfortable.

Courage Is Calling

Ryan Holiday

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