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The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success That Feeds-Not Crushes-Your Soul

Brad Stulberg

Personal Thoughts

Summary Notes

What is Groundedness?

  • Groundedness is unwavering internal strength and self-confidence that sustains you through ups and downs.
  • It is a deep reservoir of integrity and fortitude, of wholeness, out of which lasting performance, well-being, and fulfillment emerge.
  • The Stoics believed that in order to have a good life, we must shift from trying to attain status or the approval of others, both of which are fleeting, and focus on becoming “properly grounded,” relinquishing the need to look outside ourselves for satisfaction and fulfillment and instead finding it within.

How to achieve Groundedness

  • Accept Where You Are to Get You Where You Want to Go - Seeing clearly, accepting, and starting where you are. Not where you want to be. Not where you think you should be. Not where other people think you should be. But where you are.
  • Be Present So You Can Own Your Attention and Energy - Being present, both physically and mentally, for what is in front of you. 
  • Be Patient and You’ll Get There Faster - Giving things time and space to unfold. Not trying to escape life by moving at warp speed.
  • Build Deep Community - Nurturing genuine connection and belonging. Prioritizing not just productivity, but people, too. 
  • Move Your Body to Ground Your Mind - Regularly move your body so that you fully inhabit it, connect it to your mind, and as a result become more firmly situated wherever you are.

What is RAIN Meditation?

Meditation teacher Michele McDonald developed a four-step method called RAIN that can help.

  • Recognize what is happening.
  • Allow life to be as it is.
  • Investigate your inner experience with kindness and curiosity.
  • Note or practice non-identification. 

The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success That Feeds-Not Crushes-Your Soul

Brad Stulberg

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